Available Supports & Services

Case Management

Case management consists of: (1) Assessment and reassessment of support needs, (2) Development and revision of an Individual Support Plan (ISP) or Annual Plan, (3) Referral and related activities to help obtain needed services, and (4) Monitoring and follow up.

Important: We do not provide direct service. If you need direct service, your PA can help you plan for, access, and coordinate support.

Natural Supports

Natural supports are unpaid supports provided by the people in your life.

K-Plan & Waiver Services

To be eligible for K-Plan & Waiver services, you must be Medicaid eligible and have an assessed need for service.

Most commonly accessed

  • Attendant Care 1:1
    One-on-one support with your activities of daily living (ADL/IADL) in your home and community, provided by a Personal Support Worker or Agency provider.
  • Attendant Care – Day Support Activities
    Attendant care supports, often provided in a group setting, with scheduled, intentional, and structured activities and a strong focus on support with community participation and communication.
  • Relief Care
    Short-term care and supervision provided because of the absence, or need for relief, of persons normally providing the care.
  • Community Transportation
    Non-medical transportation services to gain access to services, activities, resources, and goods in the community. May include access to local transit, taxi services, DD provided transportation, or mileage reimbursement for a provider.
  • Community Nursing
    Nursing services provided by LTC Community Nurse that focus on teaching and supporting the person and their support providers to ensure their health needs are met.
  • Behavior Supports
    Access to a behavior professional who can provide assessment, behavior plan development, training, and on-going maintenance.
  • Employment Path
    Time limited service that allows you to gain valuable work experience or work skills with the purpose of gaining integrated and competitive employment.
  • Small Group Employment
    Services and training activities in regular business, industry and community settings for groups of two (2) to eight (8) individuals.
  • Discovery
    A time-limited, person-centered, employment planning support service that results in the completion of a comprehensive Discovery Profile.
  • Job Coaching
    Includes initial, ongoing, or maintenance support to maintain and advance in competitive, integrated employment, or maintain self-employment.
  • Assistive Tech/Devices
    Assistive tech, devices, or durable medical equipment used to assist and enhance independence in performing any ADL, IADL, health related tasks, or to communicate in the home or community.
  • Environmental Safety & Home Modifications
    Changes made to the home to help ensure health, welfare, and safety, or to provide means for greater independence.
  • Vehicle Modifications
    Adaptations or alterations that are made to a vehicle that is the primary means of transportation in order to access the community more independently and safely.

For a comprehensive list of services and their explanations, see the In-home expenditure guidelines.

Community Resources

May include but not limited to:

  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Local Food Pantries
  • Aging and People with Disabilities
  • Housing Authorities